Although no one likes to think of a day when they will have a hard time taking care of themselves, many people experience aging in a way that makes it difficult for them to live on their own at a certain point. And while it can be hard to make the transition from being at your own home to living in a care facility, this is something that becomes necessary for a large number of adults. So to help you know if or when you should begin looking into a care facility for your loved one, here are three signs that it may be time move him or her into a nursing home.
They’ve Taken A Fall
At the thought of moving your loved one into a nursing home, many people worry about what could go wrong when their loved one is no longer under their care. However, many facilities can often give more attentive care to your loved one, especially when it comes to the physical side. Knowing this, one sign that you may want to move your loved one into a nursing home, according to Marlo Sollitto, a contributor to Aging Care, is if your loved one has taken a fall. Additionally, if they need physical help that you’re just not able to provide any longer, a nursing home could be of great help. To know if a fall or other injury has taken place, keep your eye out for bruises that your loved one may be trying to hide.
A Recent Weight Loss
According to Paula Spencer Scott, a contributor to, you should also consider moving your loved one into a nursing home if he or she has recently lost a noticeable amount of weight. A sudden weight loss could be a sign of quite a few issues. For example, those suffering from depression often lose weight. Additionally, if your loved one is having trouble making food for themselves, a weight loss could be a sign of this as well. In any case, weight loss is a good indicator that help is needed.
Losing Cognitive Abilities
One major sign that your loved one shouldn’t be living on their own any longer is if they’re losing touch with their cognitive abilities. This can present itself in many ways, so it’s up to you to be vigilant about noticing when something like this is taking place. According to, you might realize that cognitive abilities are slipping if medications become forgotten or if he or she is frequently confused, forgetful, or excessively grouchy.
If you’re concerned about when to know if you should bring your loved one to a nursing home, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you make this decision.