It’s true that children adapt well to change. However, when that change directly impacts the way they look or how other people may perceive them, it can be a little trickier for them to get used to. Although more children than ever before are wearing glasses, it can still cause apprehension and concern, especially if …
How to Have More Body Confidence as You Age
Body confidence issues can affect anyone at any age, but it’s more likely that you may run into self-esteem issues as a reaction to the many signs of aging and changes in your body as you reach your later years. Age should never be a detrimental factor in your own confidence, as you have the …
Reduce The Number of Things You Own, Reduce The Stress
All these challenging months stuck inside has made one thing clear — we have way too much stuff (78% of Americans state that COVID-19 made them realize this). Before the pandemic, it was easy to brush it off — after all, it’s just innocent little things (and you can always run from those). But locked …