
Top Tips When Starting Your Own Landscape Gardening Business

After the worldwide coronavirus pandemic of 2020, people across the country are now considerably more focused on their work-to-life balance, and, as a result, there has been an increased demand for gardeners and landscapers to overhaul gardens and provide a peaceful and enjoyable space for relaxation and rejuvenation. Here are some tip tips and advice …


Reduce The Number of Things You Own, Reduce The Stress

All these challenging months stuck inside has made one thing clear — we have way too much stuff (78% of Americans state that COVID-19 made them realize this). Before the pandemic, it was easy to brush it off — after all, it’s just innocent little things (and you can always run from those). But locked …

home renovation

Three things to consider when renovating your home

Everyone dreams of owning their dream home. For many people, this involves carrying out renovations on your current property, particularly if you don’t have the time or money to buy or build a new house, or you are already happy with the location and basic blueprint of your house.  However, there are certain things you …

natural ponds

Looking After Your New Pond: Seven Essentials

Natural ponds have fresh water intake and an exit. Without this constant flush of new water, however, algae will grow. Even in natural ponds, algae buildup happens as a natural part of life. Without proper maintenance you aren’t keeping up a pond in your back yard, you’re growing a swamp. Use these seven essential tips …


Home Modifications for Young Adults with Special Needs

If you’re fitting out your home to provide a safe and loving space for a young person with special needs, there are features you can easily add to the space to make life easier and more pleasant for all involved. Security             Rather than a house-key, provide the young person with a simple swiping card or …