Parenting & Family

Bringing God and Faith Back into Your Family is a website focused on bringing Christ back in to the family. Their goal is to bring God into all aspects of family and the community, leading to a godly nation and, eventually, world. They have a vision statement which says, “Using our hearts, mind, and gifts to increase world faith.” While they are starting with the family, their goal is to make the earth a place filled with God’s love. They want to bring Christians of our society closer by giving them an online hub to come together.

Spiritual Bridge’s Partnerships

They have partnered with large retailers such as Macy’s, Jos. A. Bank, and Nordstrom to help spread the word about the company to others. This is a way for Spiritual Bridge to grow as a company and build a bigger viewership, and reach more Christians to expand in their faith, or non-Christians to bring them to the Christian faith.

While Spiritual Bridge would like to spread their message of Christ to everyone, it starts at the family level. Much of their content focuses on expanding the family in Christ. They post daily articles and devotions that focus on both marriage and parenting to help strengthen families everywhere.

Marriage is the foundation

The start of the family is marriage. Spiritual Bridge believes that marriage is one of the most important parts of the family. Because of this belief, Spiritual Bridge creates content to help couples thrive in their marriage. They post daily content, so there is always something new for Christians to learn and educate themselves from on Spiritual Bridge’s website. They give advice on how to live a biblical marriage through their daily articles that speak on different issues that may come up in a Christian marriage, or bible verses that can help any couple mature.

Communication is the key

They talk a lot about improving communication inside your relationships as well. They focus on the verse, 1 Peter 4:11, which states, “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.” This verse is essentially saying any conversations that are had between people should glorify God. Basically, everything that you talk about in your marriage should be good and should please God.

If conversations are pleasing God, they should not be critical or mean. Spouses should speak to each other in a kind and respectful tone. They should not say rude things to one another, but instead, they should praise each other for the good that they are doing and the person that they are inside.

Communication through prayer

Another way couples can improve their relationship through communication is through prayer. Praying together can give the couple a better understanding of the concerns their partner may have, and how their partner is doing emotionally. This is a way for couples to express their issues and the things that they are worried about in a more constructive way. It will not come across as complaining or demoralizing during prayer, and it can make the partner more receptive to change. They will be able to understand better what their partner is struggling with, and how it can be improved. If a couple understands their partner better, they can communicate with them in a more efficient and godly way.

Couples can also mature spiritually by reading the Bible together. Daily devotions give the couple an opportunity to discuss their relationships with God together in an intimate fashion. When couples read Bible verses about marriage, they are learning how to be a godlier spouse, to make a more godly marriage. They will be more united, and on the same page on the principles to follow in their marriage.

Get closer to God with Spiritual Bridge

Spiritual Bridge gives Christians a place to go to learn about a biblical marriage to help their family develop to their fullest potential with Christ. Christians can find inspiration through the articles and devotions posted daily on Spiritual Bridge’s website.

Spiritual Bridge creates content that will not only advise couples how to thrive as a couple, but also as individuals, plus as a family. There is content on Spiritual Bridge for Christians in every part of their walk through faith. New couples can learn how to become all that they want to be in their Christian marriage, and parents can learn how to lead their children in their Christian lives. Spiritual Bridge’s online presence is there to help Christians achieve their goals and dreams and to lead their community in a godly way to make for a godly earth.

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