The world in which we live is becoming increasingly unpredictable, making preparedness a pertinent subject to address with your family. The odds of your family being caught in the middle of a home invasion or fire are pretty small, but preparedness saves lives when the unthinkable becomes reality.
If you’re not sure what you really need to prepare your family to face, it’s never too late to begin learning. Start now by reading through a brief summary of some emergency preparedness tips for the whole family, and have your troops prepared for anything life can toss your way.
Prepare for the event of a house fire
Being caught unaware in a house fire can lead to some devastating outcomes. You want to know that your family won’t be lost and scattered should this emergency occur. Teach your kids that smoke rises.
If you want to get out of the house safely, you need to get low to the ground. Don’t touch any doors that are glowing or hot, and set up a safe meeting spot for everyone. After escaping from a house fire, it’s important to reconnect.
Learn how to handle the event of a car accident
Car accidents are much more common than any of us want to know, and it’s important to teach your family how to handle such a shocking event. You don’t want your kids losing their minds and adding to the innate chaos of an accident scene.
If you equip yourself with the proper procedures to follow in the case of a car accident, it may also help you to be a better leader for the kids. Read up on the best set of steps to follow after a car accident, and do your best to reduce the harm of such a tragic situation.
What you should do in the case of a home invasion/robbery
Your first defense against a home invasion is the steps you take now. There are ways to make your home less appealing to robbers. Plant thorny bushes around windows. Slap a security alarm sticker on the window, and plant a sign advertising your security company in your yard.
If the worst does occur, teach your family a few ways to stay safe. Learn the significance of the three outs; get out, hide out, or take out. If someone invades your home, school, or office, you should first try to run away (or get out).
If you can’t run away, hide. Don’t just hide under a table. Barricade yourself in a room, and call the police. The third out is the most dangerous, but sometimes it’s all you can do. Try to take out the intruder.