Should your beautiful carpets be in need of a really good clean, you should consider doing yourself the favour of hiring a professional carpet cleaner. Depending on the state of your carpet, a professional cleaner may use the shampoo method or the steam one to clean it. A respectable one will ask you which one would you like. Let’s take a look at both and judge them by their merits.
The Differences
There are a few differences between steam cleaners and shampooing a carpet, and an expert will be sure to offer you the best advice on which method is best to be used on your carpet. Don’t be shy to get as much information from the cleaners as possible, before making your choice of which method to employ. After all, you want to get the perfect job done, right?
The Shampoo Method
When we think of shampoo, we usually think of it with regards to being used on our heads, but shampooing has over the years, been the oldest method of cleaning a carpet, and is highly effective at removing dirt and stains from heavily soiled ones. A respectable carpet shampoo will generate a rich, thick lather of foam if it is to effectively do the job perfectly. Dirt particles will adhere to carpet fibres by means of a static electrical charge, and the shampoo, then serves to break the bond to loosen up the dirt. The shampoo has a lubricating agent to protect the carpet from the sturdy brushes of the machine which agitates the foam. Shampooing carpets has some definite disadvantages, because the sticky shampoo residue left after the cleaning, will sometimes actually attract more dirt which makes the job somewhat counter-productive. There are reports that some shampoos also use certain brighteners, which with time can create a slight yellowing effect, certainly something most good people just don’t need.
The Steam Cleaning Method
Steam cleaning that lovely carpet has now become the preferred alternative for most people. Steam cleaning removes dirt by blasting very hot water/steam through the carpet. When the dirt has been eliminated, the accumulated water and dirt is vacuumed. Steam cleaning also has the extra advantage of dislodging and expelling mildew spores and mould. This is a great bonus. Should you be on the lookout for a renowned, experienced and professional carpet cleaning service in W. Australia, Cottesloe carpet cleaning by Expert Carpet Cleaners are definitely the way to go. A steam cleaner will clean as effectively and in most cases, better than a shampoo clean. Given that the carpet is allowed the correct amount of time to dry thoroughly before use, there is no residue to cause any kind of re-soiling. The steam cleaning method keeps the carpet in good shape and there is no chance at all of the yellowing of fibres from the shampoo cleaning with steam cleaning.
So, there you go, hope that helps out a little bit about what the two terms are all about, and hope that your carpet will be looking just as fine and beautiful as the day you bought it!
(Photo by Jay Madden)