If you have ever had to sit in a hot park with a fussy toddler, you know how relieving it can be to go back indoors where there is a working air conditioner. Although they can’t always explain why they are cranky and uncomfortable, if you can see your toddler beginning to sweat it is definitely becoming too warm for their taste.
Being out in the sun won’t harm your child, particularly if you are applying sunscreen regularly. On the other hand, children can be very susceptible to overheating if they aren’t being kept hydrated or they have to spend extended periods of time in excessive heat. You should allow your toddler to cool down inside of your home and keep your air conditioning system maintained if you are intending on making this a fun and safe summer for your child. Here are the four most important things that you should know about air conditioning and children.
1. Extreme Temperature Changes Aren’t Good For Children
In instances where your child has been playing outside for a long time out in the heat, you should take care to keep your toddler’s body temperature regulated. You can offer your child cool treats and stay in the shade, but the best relief will come from going back indoors. At the same time, you don’t want to expose your child to a sharp shift in temperatures. If it feels chilly inside, you should change the temperature settings so that it is somewhere around 75 degrees. Realize that drastic changes in temperature can send your child into shock and lower his or her core body temperature in an unsafe manner.
2. Air Conditioners Are Best Checked at the Beginning of the Season
Even if your air conditioning system comes on just as soon as you hit the power button, you can’t assume that everything is okay. First and foremost, the air filters need to be clean if you are going to be running an air conditioner with a toddler present. Dirty air filters can reduce the quality of the air, leading to respiratory issues in childhood, excessive sneezing and allergies. You should also have your air conditioner checked at the start of summer because of the risk of leaks.
3. Watching Your Child Is the Best Way To Learn If the Temperature Is Right
People have an ideal temperature range that keeps them most comfortable. Go into a room that is too hot and within a few minutes you will start to sweat. Relocate to a place that is just a smidge too cold and you will soon start to shiver. Your toddler will react the same way, so if you notice that he or she no longer wants to play and socialize in a home that is being air conditioned you should immediately check the thermostat. Even if it feels comfortable to you, you want your child to be able to walk around in weather appropriate clothing.
As long as you interact with your child and check on him or her while taking naps in your air conditioned home, you will find that every day goes pleasantly. Keep the popsicles on hand, apply sunscreen whenever necessary and seek out relief if it just gets too hot to stay outdoors. Be happy and thankful that you have air conditioning as it would be a lot more difficult to keep your toddler content in the summer if you didn’t have one.