Winter is almost here and with it come colds, coughs, sniffles and sneezes – but I’m not going to be talking about home remedies and advising you to keep warm and drink plenty of water. No. When the nights get darker and our daily dose of sunshine is diminished we can sometimes be left leaving a little low and we find ourselves feeling completely dejected. Although this is common in the darker part of the year, it doesn’t mean you can’t tackle it head on and kick those winter blues into touch. Sure, you can head out and indulge in the best designer handbags, treat yourself to that pair of shoes you just can’t stop thinking about or a new charm for your bracelet but what else can you do to make yourself feel better?
For 4 ways to give yourself a much needed boost, read on.
Learn something new
Don’t worry, I don’t mean learning a whole new language – although if that sounds like something you’d enjoy then certainly go for it! As the nights are getting longer and darker, why not take a break from the TV and your smart phone and try learning something new. You could try listening to a podcast on a new topic, pick up a new book in a genre you’ve never really tried before and read a chapter every day or if you’re at work try finding out about new departments or new processes and maybe you’ll get a lift up that ladder while you’re at it.
Learning something new makes us feel good because you can end every day knowing you’re a little more knowledgeable then the day before. You’ll have more to contribute and to talk about too.
Don’t skip this one! As much as I can hear you groaning at the very idea, getting up and getting moving will make you feel great. You don’t have to train as if you’re planning to run a marathon just as long as you’re moving and getting your blood pumping – you’ll feel the benefits not just in your body but in your mind too.
Keep going and keep trying
A new process at work is causing you headaches, maybe you didn’t get that job you prepared so well for, maybe you didn’t pass that exam – no matter what life throws at you, allowing it to throw you off course won’t help. Telling yourself you’ll never pass your driving test after your fail might sound like a logical idea at the time but shake it off. Don’t take push backs negatively; you’re just taking a step back, so you have a better view of the goal before you try again.
Set aside some you time
The kids might have run you ragged, you burnt the dinner and the dog has padded muddy pawprints through the house, but you know what? All of these things don’t mean you can’t set aside some time for yourself. Run a hot bath with some essential oils, give yourself a foot massage – watch your favourite movie. Always make time for you.