Homework’s are the best way to improve the kid’s performance. Kids are successful when the parents take interest in their homework. It shows the kids that they are important for their parents. Of course, helping with the homework does not mean spending hours over a desk. They can be supportive by demonstrating study and organization skills.
Some of the tips to help your child with accounting homework:
Know the teachers: The parents should actively take part in all the conferences and meetings conducted to know the child needs and what is expected from the child.
Organize the study area for kids: The parents should make sure that the kids have well lit place to finish the homework. Keep all the study material handy.
Plan the study timings: The parents should plan the time table according to the child needs. Also plan break in between the studies.
Help them make a plan: When there is heavy homework load on the child, the parents should encourage your child break up into manageable sections. The parents should create a work schedule for the night and also help plan the breaks for the same.
Keep the distractions to minimum: The TV and loud music should be restricted and timings should be managed accordingly.
Make sure that kids do their own homework: The kids should be encouraged to do their homework on their own. Parents can give the suggestions but the homework should be completed by the parents.
Reading Habits: As a parent we should inculcate the reading habits in the children, this would help the child to be independent.
Motivate the child: Praise the child for his achievements this way he will be motivated to perform better.
If continuing problems with homework, get help: The parents should talk about the child’s performance with the teacher on frequent basis and if problem persists special attention should be given to the child.
Set a good example: We should set the examples by balancing the things for them.
Homework helps the child:
Memorize the things learnt in class.
Getting prepared for the next class.
Learning the time management by completing the homework on time.
It also helps the parents to know what the child has learnt and where the practice is needed. However if the child is spending too much time on the homework same should be communicated to the teacher. Also, if any subject needs the special attention Acadsoc writing tutoring the same needs to be communicated to the teacher in advance. More homework does not at all means higher achievement levels. The kids should be given the homework according to that age and at the end they should learn something new. We should at no point burden the kids with too much homework. It should help the kids to revise the concepts done in the class. Doing the same from early stage help the kids to be organized.