It seems as though the harder we work, the less money we have to do on things that are just plain fun. Most workers are on a tight budget with little to no disposable income and what there is left after paying all those monthlies is pitiful. Instead of sitting at home doing nothing watching the same programs over and over on Sky, why not look around for some other activities that are fun but don’t cost a small fortune. All it takes is that iPhone 7 and a bit of creative thinking. There’s more fun to be had with that iPhone than you can imagine.
Leaf Peeping – It’s Free, Isn’t It?
Those who love the outdoors might want to take a stroll now that autumn is here. With all the brilliant colours just about to be at their peak, this is the time of year to get out the camera, grab a picnic basket and head to the nearest park. Many would-be professional photographers are no longer wannabes but are now full-fledged freelancers with impressive gigs because they captured autumn colours at their finest. Not only is it free to roam about with that iPhone 7 but the camera is well worth the cost when you can capture nature at her finest.
A New Generation of Gaming
So you work extra hours just to keep your mobile plan and the latest iPhone because of all the really cool features it has. Why not take up gaming? You can access tons of free apps here at the iTunes store and use them whilst on the train to and from work or even on those nights when there’s nothing to do, everyone’s already busy and you’re bored out of your mind. In fact, many of the games you can play are multi-player platforms like Sun Bingo and a great way to meet other gamers from the UK and abroad. It may not be the same as throwing the ball around a bit at the local park, but a whole lot less tiring and many, many more places to play!
Need a Bit More Exercise? Put That Smartphone to Work!
Whilst not exactly a game in the traditional sense of the word, you can also spend hours and hours playing Pokémon Go and get in that much needed exercise at the same time. Pokémon deserves a whole new category of fun (and cheap) things to do because it falls somewhere in between an exercise regimen and a digital game. In fact, the latest buzz is in just how many star-struck lovers met whilst traversing the neighbourhood searching out those Poké balls. Who would have ever believed that Pokémon was actually cupid in disguise? Guess he must be if all those reports are true!
YouTube Hobbies Galore
Then there’s the old faithful king of how-to’s, YouTube. What about that hobby you have been meaning to take up but haven’t the faintest notion where or even how to start? It doesn’t matter what you want to learn to do or how in-depth you want to go, if it can be done, there’s a YouTube video to show you how. From knitting to building drones, any hobby you want to take up just for the fun of it has step-by-step video instructions that will walk you through without paying the first pound to join a class. You’re already paying for that iPhone so let it earn its keep!
Keeping up with Local Events
Another great way to find fun things to do that are either free or very low cost is to join a mailing list for events in your area. These are emailed or Tweeted directly to your iPhone so that you are always up on the latest events even before the news hits the stands. There’s always something going on from a free concert at the local university to discounted tickets to a local festival. You won’t know unless you keep informed so do a bit of searching around and when you find that events feed, you’ll know it’s the one to join.
No one has ever said that iPhones come cheaply but if you are a little creative and ready to experiment a bit you’ll surely find ways to stay entertained with the only cost being monthlies on the iPhone and plan. So, you’re on a budget – who isn’t? With your iPhone in hand you can find plenty to do so stop moping around and put those thumbs to work. If there’s something to do, your iPhone will find it.