
Top Tips For Writing Your Family Holiday Newsletter

Writing a family holiday newsletter that you send to your friends and relatives is one of the oldest holiday traditions in the books.

However, knowing how to actually write a fun and effective family newsletter can be actually quite challenging for those of you who are not into writing. But while it may be a challenge, it hardly an impossible challenge, and it’s actually a project that you may end up finding yourself enjoying.

Here are the top tips for writing your family holiday newsletter:

Include Photos Of Your Family 

Your family newsletter should always include at least one photo of your family, especially if you have children. Either include a family photo that was professionally taken, or one that captures all of you while you’re having fun on vacation or during a fun activity outside.

Create A Custom Stamp 

An overlooked family newsletter tip is to have a wooden stamp of your family’s name custom designed that you will then be able to include somewhere in your letter, such as in the beginning or the end of it. You can also include it on the envelop to your newsletter as well.

Pick and Choose What To Include 

Your holiday newsletter should not include each and every single thing that your family did over the year. Be selective as to what you decide to include in the newsletter, and don’t include anything that your spouse or one of your children don’t want to be included (such as anything that may be too embarrassing or too sensitive).

Pick and choose a couple of the best highlights from your year and briefly list them out in the newsletter. Even if you present your highlights as a simple list of facts, it should still be fun to read.

Stay Positive 

Try to keep your newsletter as much as possible, by focusing more on your wins and highlights than your losses and disappointments. We all have our ups and downs throughout the course of the year, but it’s best to keep the more negative aspects of your year for private conversation and out of the newsletter.

Instead, keep your newsletter lighthearted, and think about what your friends and relatives will want to hear.

Proofread Your Newsletter 

Even if your newsletter isn’t meant to be professional, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take a few minutes to carefully proofread it. Spelling and grammar errors will ultimately be to the amusement or the annoyance of the reader, so proofreading your newsletter or having someone else proofread it before you send it out will be wise.

Writing Your Family Holiday Newsletter  

As a final word of advice, have fun. Don’t think that writing a family newsletter is a chore, or that you’re even obligated to write one. You should have a fun time writing your newsletter, and more importantly you’ll keep your friends and relatives up-to-date on what your family did for the year, especially those you know who don’t use social media very often.

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