Kids Quarantine
Child Development

3 Tips For Keeping Your Kids Busy During Quarantine

While not all places are still under quarantine, as long as the coronavirus is still present, it’s still wise to try to maintain social distance from people who may be infected. And because you can’t always know if someone is infected with COVID-19, it’s probably best to continue steering clear of those that you don’t have to come in contact with. 

Although this can be easy in some situations, it can be very challenging in other situations, especially if you have kids who want to go to school or be with their friends. So to help you find some ways to make things a little more enjoyable at home, here are three tips for keeping your kids busy during quarantine. 

Find Something New To Do

learning piano

Kids tend to get bored easily. And while being bored isn’t necessarily a bad thing, you may be able to keep your kids occupied better if you try to introduce something new to them rather than continuing to offer the same activities over and over. 

One great way to do this, according to Sam Garin, a contributor to, is to help your child learn a new skill or hobby. Because these things usually take a lot of time, attention, and focus, encouraging your child to learn a new instrument by getting a used piano or pick up a new craft project with supplies you already have can help them pass the time and learn something new. 

kids activity

Encourage Physical Activity

Something that almost all kids should get more of is physical activity. So if you’re needing something for your kids to do and they have a little too much energy at present, try to find ways that they can move their bodies a bit more.

According to Laura Mueller, a contributor to, one option you might want to try is to have your child build an obstacle course for themself. Making a great obstacle course takes time, so this can help to keep your child busy for a while. And once the obstacle course is made, your child can then have hours of fun going through the obstacle course over and over again. 

Try Independent, Structured Play

Sometimes, all your kid really needs to keep themselves busy is a little direction and structure. So for those times when you really need your kid to play on their own for a while, try helping them come up with some independent yet structured activities. 

Sarah Bradley, a contributor to Very Well Family, shares that some options you might want to try could include having them follow along to a yoga video, art class, or story online. You could also show them block pictures to recreate or just all them to create something entirely new on their own. 

If you’re needing some new ideas to keep your kids busy during quarantine, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you with this.

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