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Why Mile-Ex is Becoming Popular with Baby Boomers

Mile Ex is located right smack in between the Mile End and Parc-Ex, which helps explain the name of this neighborhood. For the last few years now, it’s been bandied as a great place to live in for young adults and hipsters. But today it’s quite apparent that it’s not only the millennials who find this place an ideal residential area. Older folks from the baby boomer generation are getting on the Mile Ex train as well, going hip to hip with the hipsters by living in the condos Mile Ex has to offer.

If you look at the situation closely, you may realize why baby boomers are enamored with Mile Ex:

The Price is Right

Young adults don’t have lots of money to spend, and the smaller condos and apartments in the area are much more suitable for their needs. The rent and the condo prices are lower compared to the prices in other neighborhoods like Mile End.

The square footage is just right for older folks who are downsizing as their kids fly the coop. It makes sense for many retirees to take advantage of the high demand for houses in Montreal to gain more money by selling their home. After all, it may be too big now with the kids out of the house. Pocket the money, and enjoy a snug condo in Mile Ex with a nice addition to your savings account. Or you can just rent out your old home too.

Walking to Wherever You Want to Go

The great thing about living in Mile Ex is that various places you need to go to are all nearby. You can just take a nice leisurely stroll to get there. You can enjoy the outdoors, and also you can get the exercise your doctor may have been insisting you do.

If you’re a baby boomer, you’re likely old enough to appreciate not getting trapped in a small boxy car in traffic all the time, just to get to where you want to go. Now you won’t have to since everything is basically within walking distance.

Laid Back Chill

Just because you’re old enough to retire doesn’t mean you’re too old to enjoy yourself. It’s true that the kids’ hangouts in Mile Ex may be too frenetic for you. But some places here on the neighborhood are a lot more laidback, so you can just settle down and enjoy the day in relative calm.

You can try to visit brasseries, which are French restaurants with a decidedly relaxed vibe. A place like Harricana is a great example as they offer terrific brunch options. Now that you’re retired, you can enjoy getting up a bit later in the morning.

The word brasserie means “brewery” in French, meaning you can try out these craft beers that hipsters like to talk about. One or 2 bottles won’t hurt every now and then.

Relaxing in Parks

One other option for enjoying retirement is to get a picnic basket and enjoy the day with your spouse in one of the many luscious parks in the area. Try to spend some time in Parc Jarry, especially if you can get a spot near the gorgeous fountain. It’s just as picturesque in Little Italy Park too, with a gazebo and a seemingly endless stretch of greenery.

You can enjoy some fresh produce in many shops around the area which you can prepare for your picnic basket. Or you can always get a picnic meal from the Dinette Triple Crown nearby, and have a fine time.

If you’re part of the baby boomer generation, you really should seriously consider relocating to Mile Ex. It’s not just for the kids—and the area is terrific enough that somehow you may feel younger as well.

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